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Azure Windows Virtual Desktop - Spring Release / Spring Update with WVDAdmin

Azure Windows Virtual Desktop - Spring Release / Spring Update goes public today. I’m tremendously happy about that while this is the next big step that we have eagerly awaited....

Using Azure AD groups to assign users to Azure Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)

Today (early April), it’s not possible to join groups to application groups or desktop in Windows Virtual Desktop. Users have to be assigned directly with their user principal name (UPN)....

Azure Windows Virtual Desktop and Language Packs - Detecting Host Pool and Tenant Name issue

Language packs on Windows sometimes cause some issues or strange behaviors to some applications. One problem I can reproduce is the impact of the RDAgent from Microsoft - the agent...

Azure Windows Virtual Desktop - Azure Starter for WVD

This month I started to build my fourth tool around Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop. This new one, called “Azure Starter for WVD” is a self-service portal for users using WVD....

Using WVDAdmin for Azure Windows Virtual Desktop in 2-AAD-Environment (Microsoft Demo Case)

Using Azure Starter for Azure Windows Virtual Desktop in 2-AAD-Environment (Microsoft Demo Case)

Automatic MSIX App Attach script for Windows Virtual Desktop

Automatic MSIX App Attach script for WVD

PolarConf 2019 - Building own solutions whit Azure Monitor

In October I visited Finland the very first time to speak at PolarConf and I have to say: It was amazing. A great single track event over two days. It...

Announcing the community version of "Project MySmartScale"

Windows Virtual Desktop is released and gateways around the world are available - even in Europe which cause in a low latency - perfect.

Workshop Azure Monitor - Lessons

To get practice in using Azure Monitor, I have prepared some examples. These examples can be recreated with a little PowerShell. I have prepared more complex program parts. These can...

On the road - My next speaking engagements

I’m happy to be a part of a great community. On my journey, I have the possibility to speak at some conferences, meetups and other events. And I loved it....

CDC Germany: RDS and Windows Virtual Desktop – Desktops in the year 2019 and beyond

From 21. to 22. April 2019 the annual Cloud and Datacenter Conference took place in Hanau/Frankfurt in Germany. It’s one of my favorite community events in Germany. This year I...

Publish your solution to the Azure Marketplace

Publishing own solutions to the Azure Marketplace seems to be very easy by using the documentation on To avoid any pitfalls I wrote down some insights about my first...