Tools & Solutions

WVDAdmin aka AVDAdmin
A free solution to manage Azure Virtual Desktop, including imaging (without destroying the template VM), deployment, running multiple scrips on VM and session hosts, moving session hosts between pools, shrinking disks, and much more.

Hydra for Azure Virtual Desktop
Our flagship in managing AVD: Hydra, the solution to manage Azure Virtual Desktop for one or more tenants. Hydra's web platform allows administrators to deploy new session hosts, configure an auto-adapt scaling, maintain session hosts and pools automatically, and much more. Free and licensed modes are available.

OneDrive Clean-Up
Keep FSLogix profiles or your workstation clean from too many locally stored OneDrive files. You can define the age of files, the maximum size on the profile disk/hard disk, etc. The tool will un-pin the oldest file automatically.

Country Switch & App Starter
First Logon Experience and language selector and an app starter for remote apps on network paths for AVD.

AVD Deep Insight Workbook
Get all out of the diagnostic settings to show issues in your environment, usage, available bandwidth, latencies, FSLogix usage, and much more. Additionally, you can find orphan resources, like nics, disks, VMs, and hosts, to avoid unnecessary costs.

Get the client IP
Install a small tool to get the client IP in the users session.