Archive of posts with category 'Azure'

Updating a Golden Master VM from Windows 10 multi-user to Windows 11 multi-user

The Golden-Master approach is a common way to deploy applications and desktops as session hosts in Azure Virtual Desktop. The approach is very simple, and the rollout of new session...

Updating or cloning a Azure VM with standard security to trusted launch with secure boot and vTPM

Note: If your source VM is based on the VM generation V1, follow this post to convert your VM: Creating a Windows Azure VM Generation V2 from a V2 VM....

Creating a Windows Azure VM Generation V2 from a V1 VM

Microsoft has provided different VM sizes over the last years and also introduced the VM Generation V2 at the end of 2019. V2 VMs are different from V1 VMs and...

Automatically add or change Azure Active Directory computer objects on-demand

Hybrid joined AVD session hosts are great for working with conditional access, Intune (MEM), access to Azure files, and other AAD integrated services. [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Honey-Potting in Azure and Unfavorable Account Names

As everybody knows, running a Windows system in Azure unprotected is not a good idea. To get access to an Azure VM, Azure Bastion or VPN are recommended.

Securing an app service, a key vault, and a database with private endpoints

A typical Azure application uses an app service representing the front end, a database to store the data and configuration settings, and a key vault to keep secrets (like the...

On the road - My next speaking engagements

I'm happy to be a part of a great community. On my journey, I have the possibility to speak at some conferences, meetups and other events. And I loved it....

CDC Germany: RDS and Windows Virtual Desktop – Desktops in the year 2019 and beyond

From 21. to 22. April 2019 the annual Cloud and Datacenter Conference took place in Hanau/Frankfurt in Germany. It’s one of my favorite community events in Germany. This year I...