ITProCloud Blog
Welcome to my blog. I'm writing this blog to share my experiences mainly in IT focused on Microsoft Azure. The blog is part of the ITProCloud GmbH.
Archive of posts with category 'PowerShell'
Login error: Protocol Error Code 0x112f
Hybrid joined AVD session hosts are great for working with conditional access, Intune (MEM), access to Azure files, and other AAD integrated services.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
From 21. to 22. April 2019 the annual Cloud and Datacenter Conference took place in Hanau/Frankfurt in Germany. It’s one of my favorite community events in Germany. This year I...
A few weeks ago, I started an IoT project with a company responsible for a huge amount of different buildings around the world. We deployed several virtual and physical sensors...
More than two years ago, I created my PowerShell module to access OneDrive. This module can be installed with a one-liner from
Recently I got some questions on how to work with my PowerShell module for OneDrive. Therefore, I put together some examples.
Sharing access across different tenants in one of the key benefits of Azure AD. My customers appreciate that they can provide Azure-based solution to their cooperated users and to guest...
Users can have different administrative roles in Azure Ad. Azure Portal can show these roles and members. Sometimes it can be favorable to get roles and members in a PowerShell...
These days I’m dealing with the automation of starting and stopping Azure virtual machines. I do this to avoid unnecessary costs for customers running Citrix or RDS workers on Azure....